At first...
In process...
Not yet...
Still doing...
Touching up...
Changing form...
Almost done...
Our cake done @ Icing room!
Car bear speaker from Jiayi and Yingxian!
From Yihang...
From Sylvia and Claudia.C
A bit dark... it's a pencil case from Mabel!
Morning, I got quite a number of presents! Thank you! Thanks 2-2 friends for wishing me a happy birthday! And special thx to Mabel, Jiayi, Yingxian, Charmiane, Sylvia, Claudia Choo and Yihang for ur presents! THX!!! I LOVE ALL THE PRESENTS! TRULY! :DOk. We had STAR today so Mabel and my clique decided to celebrate for me after STAR! Mabel and Jiayi went home first. It was abt 6 or 5 something or 6 something, i forgot. Nvm. Me, Yingxian and Charmiane reached JP. We followed Charmiane to Kopitiam to meet her Volleyball frenz. They chatted while Yingxian read her storybook(so guai) and me doing my MATH homework, ms lim, i got do hw ok, haha. We waited for Jiayi and Mabel. Jiayi came first, next Mabel! We went Icing room to make our "HuH Clique" cake for me! hee hee... it started nice... haha... then became quite messy haha. Still nice la. After that, we went to Yingxian's void deck eat our cake! haha. they played wif cream... haha. cream on my arm once nia haha. lucky lucky... then we went Yingxian's house wash our creamy hands. Got angbao from Yingxian's dad, so good. thx uncle. Next went home, bath, eat dinner, eat durian cake ("yum yum" :P) next, presents! haha. Happy!!!