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Welcome to chocoschoolife.blogspot.com
Tuesday, June 8, 2010Y

HI~ It's been long since i post. ok very long. very very very very very very longgggggggg...
ok sorryyy.

Anyway I remembered promising C.C to post a free writing essay. I'll do it.
Title: Type what i thought of. (Free Writing)
Now starting the free writing. what should i type first... i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck. ok continue. my friends, mabel, yingxian, charmiane, jiayi. Mabel, the one i can tell anything to. Yingxian, the one that made the whole clique laugh laugh laugh... Charmiane, the one with leadership quality, cooool... Jiayi, the one with her hp always on her hands... 2nd most laughter... i remembered saying yingxian was first. yes i did. ok... i'm stuck again... lalalalala... hahahaha... i forgot or rather confuse what's my clique name. noob me. ok. it should be ok now. Done.
C.C PS: must see!

Back to blogging. Clique outing last week. Fun! With bubbles and small indian kids. i'm not being racist. sorry Ilham. Don't comment, Jeffery. Anyway u won't see it. Anyway, some problems with SOME people. idk why last time. now i know why. a real stalker huh? not to me, but to my friend. jealous them is it? blame urself dude.

Anyway, i want some pictures for my post...

Is this animal abuse???
no offence...
don't cry chick, he can't hear u.
nice hairstyle.

bye big bird. remember this pic, 2-2ians?
I guess that's all. Bye~

ends at 1:35 AM

Tuesday, February 23, 2010Y
14th bdae!

Thanks Mummy and Daddy for the super good present! THANK YOU!!! LOVE IT!!!

Today, got another present from Jia Jia! haha. Thx!!! Care bear

Cute Care bear from JiaJia!

ends at 6:45 AM

Monday, February 22, 2010Y
My 14th Birthday!!!

Today's my birthday! Wooh! So happy!

Pics taken today!

At first...
In process...
Not yet...
Still doing...
Touching up...
Changing form...
Almost done...
Our cake done @ Icing room!
Car bear speaker from Jiayi and Yingxian!
From Yihang...
From Sylvia and Claudia.C
A bit dark... it's a pencil case from Mabel!

Morning, I got quite a number of presents! Thank you! Thanks 2-2 friends for wishing me a happy birthday! And special thx to Mabel, Jiayi, Yingxian, Charmiane, Sylvia, Claudia Choo and Yihang for ur presents! THX!!! I LOVE ALL THE PRESENTS! TRULY! :D

Ok. We had STAR today so Mabel and my clique decided to celebrate for me after STAR! Mabel and Jiayi went home first. It was abt 6 or 5 something or 6 something, i forgot. Nvm. Me, Yingxian and Charmiane reached JP. We followed Charmiane to Kopitiam to meet her Volleyball frenz. They chatted while Yingxian read her storybook(so guai) and me doing my MATH homework, ms lim, i got do hw ok, haha. We waited for Jiayi and Mabel. Jiayi came first, next Mabel! We went Icing room to make our "HuH Clique" cake for me! hee hee... it started nice... haha... then became quite messy haha. Still nice la. After that, we went to Yingxian's void deck eat our cake! haha. they played wif cream... haha. cream on my arm once nia haha. lucky lucky... then we went Yingxian's house wash our creamy hands. Got angbao from Yingxian's dad, so good. thx uncle. Next went home, bath, eat dinner, eat durian cake ("yum yum" :P) next, presents! haha. Happy!!!

ends at 7:46 AM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010Y
Back to blog!!!

HI! came to make my blog alive again. woots. ok, CT week... sian...

today, had history and science CT1. history i forgot to write one more inference!!! ah!!! gosh. ok. over le la.

next, eng, nth much to say.

PE, played handball. kena 2 times. 1st by jiayi in the face(forgiven), next by Ilham from the back. aiyo.

Next, recess, a bit pathetic, have to sit on the floor 'picnic'. haha.

Then is Media. analysed commercials. Ilham was funny. Some people are just damn lame. I guess u went for acting class before, ya? good at it wooh. act .... and u killed many DESPO birds with one stone(acting). get out of my sight. gosh. can't take the sudden change when the birds came. some people will understand this.

Next is Chinese, learn shen ci. After school, went to call up Mdm Seet's extension for 5 times! got help from some teachers but also no help la. heehee. finally the 5th time she picked up, met her at like abt 2.30. waited for her so long then nvr eat lunch. she said five mins later meet up so went to grab a quick bite. we set off to the bus stop. poor Mabel, Jiayi and Candy, take the FFTH food, very heavy lo. sry didn't help. took bus then MRT to Outram Park station. went Police Cantonment Complex's Central Narcotics Bureau to attend the danceworks briefing... surprisingly we were not late although we reached at 3.30pm and it stated 3pm start. Events always like that one la hor? ha. returned to Boon Lay myself. Mdm Seet pangseh me, no la she need go somewhere else. ok le. nth much. bye~

ends at 5:48 AM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009Y

hihi everyone! Cannot on com the past few days... anw, played badminton at Jiayi hse there wif clique, yingxian, mabel, charmiane and jiayi last wed. I meet yx first then walk together to jy's hse. No one in sight. Waited then jy came, next charmiane came... Mabel overslept i think, then she came when we were playing ps at jy hse as it was raining. Anw played wif Stuart and Stephanie, haha fun :D Then went downstairs after awhile. Rain... stop... rain... stop. lol. We ran in and out to avoid the sudden rain. We used PBL to somehow clean/dry the monkey bar! Success! Had fun. Going play again tomoro.

Class outing coming!!! Getting excited! Sentosa, here comes 1'2! haha... lame... anw, details at class blog la.

"People change overtime..." I agree. dots. don ask me y.

~Photos time~
That's Charmiane wif Stuart.
Up up up... it gave up.
So shy...
Cute right?
It's raining... hardworking charmiane. Yx playing ping pong wif the wall. Jiayi... wad u doing...? oh ya avoiding my camera. ha.
Uh-oh. slanted.
Yah! My cool clique! :D

ends at 2:25 AM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009Y
Fun day with clique!!!

Today went out with clique. We went Bugis. First Yingxian reached Buzz first(as usual). I was the second. Then Mabel suddenly appeared from Jurong East MRT station. haha. Then YX received a call. She said it was Candy. We rushed to buzz and saw Jiayi instead. haha actually yx thought it was candy. Next we took MRT to Joo Koon then back to Bugis. haha. Then we went bugis shopping centre i think, next we went to Iluma!!! haha. went arcade. haizz spend too much there. sadded, thx Yingxian and Mabel for cheering me up :) Jiayi and Candy too. Nth much. Can't go yx's house. so sad.
Photos time~

Jiayi so shock.

ends at 4:49 AM

Monday, October 19, 2009Y

Today I went to my cousins' house. Played rollarblade together. Quite fun. Nth much to write.
Photos time~
My two twin cousins.
My small little cousin.

ends at 6:39 AM